INNOVATION HUB 110 – Rethinking public safety and security

Digitization and globalization impose unrivaled challenges on policing, pertaining every branch from patrolling the streets to combatting new and advanced crime phenomena. Therefore, state-of-the-art police work must constantly evolve and adapt while still securing reliability and compliance in a tightly regulated environment. The presentation explains how INNOVATION HUB 110 implements Digital Transformation and enables Innovation in the partly ambiguous field of police work.

Event Details

  • Datum: 12.09.2023
  • Uhrzeit: 18:00 - 19:30 (MESZ)
  • Ort:online via Zoom
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Daniel Becker

Leitung Innovation HUB 110

Innovation HUB 110 der Polizei Hessen

portrait von einem laechelnden mann

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